Information for claimants
What you need to know as a claimant about IMEs
What you need to know as a claimant about IMEs
What is an Independent Medico Legal Examination (IME)?
An independent medico legal examination (IME) is designed to provide an impartial, expert medical opinion about a claimant’s injuries or medical conditions. The expert will evaluate whether the injury is stable and stationary, permanent, or other and determine how the situation affects the claimant’s capacity to work and function.
Who is an independent medical examiner?
The independent medical examiner is an expert in their field of medicine or allied health. They are engaged by lawyers and insurers to provide an independent opinion on the claimant’s injury, treatment and impairments. It is important to understand that the independent medical examiner is not the claimant’s treating doctor.
What happens at the IME?
The independent medical examiner will have received and read a letter from your lawyer attaching all relevant medical notes and other information before the IME happens. The independent medical examiner will ask you to complete certain paperwork and produce photographic identification. The medical examiner may ask you questions about how the accident happened, your injuries, symptoms, treatment, etc. You may also be asked about how this has affected your work and activities of daily living.
If you are being assessed for a physical injury, then you will need to undergo a physical examination by the independent medical examiner. The physical examination will focus on the injured area but may also require a more general physical examination to assess your overall health.
You would not normally be required to have a physical examination if you are being seen for a psychological condition. In limited cases, where there is a complicated overlap between the physical and psychological injuries, the psychiatrist may need to conduct a physical examination.
The independent medical examiner will then provide a written report to your lawyer.
What should l bring to the IME?
For a physical examination, you (the claimant) should bring any X-rays, CT scans and MRI results. For all examinations, please bring:
VERIFY will provide the Claimant Questionnaire and Informed Consent form to your lawyer before the IME.
What should I wear to the examination?
You may need to partially disrobe for the physical examination, so we recommend that you wear loose fitting clothing and appropriate underwear. Short sleeve shirts or sleeveless tops are better for upper limb injuries. Loose fitting shorts/medium length skirts are better for lower limb and hip injuries. Avoid long tight pants or jeans.
When should I arrive at the IME?
We recommend arriving 20 minutes before your IME is due to start, however make sure you arrive at least 15 minutes before your IME is due to start. You may need to complete additional paperwork before the examination commences.
Can I bring someone with me to the IME?
You are welcome to bring a family member, friend or other support person to the IME, however that support person will generally need to wait in the reception area for the duration of the IME. If the medical examiner allows the support person to attend the IME, that support person should only do so to support you. The support person is not to actively participate in the IME, ask questions, or provide answers on your behalf.
How long will the IME take?
The length of the IME will vary depending on the complexity of your injuries and the specialist conducting the examination. You should allow one hour for an examination by an orthopaedic surgeon or neurosurgeon. A neurologist’s examination may take up to 90 minutes if there is a need for additional testing. A psychiatric examination may take 90 minutes or 2 hours. An occupational therapist’s examination can take two to three hours.
Will I be referred for additional scans or tests?
You may be. Some specialists may require updated X-rays, CT scans or MRI. A neurologist may require certain tests. In some cases, a blood test may be required. Speak to your lawyer if you are unsure about any of these requests.
Can I ask the doctor questions about my condition?
The independent medical examiner is not your treating doctor and is therefore unable to provide you with recommendations or treatment advice. The independent medical examiner will provide a report to your lawyer in which some of these matters may be addressed.
Can I get a copy of the report?
The report will be provided to your lawyer. Should you wish to request for a copy of the report, you will need to speak directly to your lawyer. We are unable to release the report directly to you.
What happens if I need an interpreter?
We will organise an interpreter for you if required. We will need an adequate notice from your lawyer to schedule this.
What happens if I am running late or cannot attend the IME?
If you are running late or need to cancel the IME, you need to contact VERIFY immediately. We will then contact the independent medical examiner and inform them of the situation. Late cancellation fees and non-attendance fees may apply.
Do I have to pay for the examination?
You do not have to pay for the examination in our office nor directly to the doctor. The cost of the examination and the medico legal report will be invoiced to your solicitor.
What you need to do to get ready for the video link appointment?
Your Video Link independent medico legal examination will be conducted using Microsoft Teams. At least three days before your medico legal examination, you need to:
A) Arrange a device
Suitable devices include: A smart mobile device (eg. your mobile phone), a laptop, or a desktop computer with a camera and microphone.
B) Create a Microsoft account if you do not have one
C) Download the Microsoft Teams App if you have not done so previously
For a desktop device
For a mobile device
D) Identify a quiet, comfortable and secure location for your appointment
Your appointment may take up to two hours. It is important that you are comfortable for the duration of the appointment. The location should be private and have adequate lighting. You will also need a strong internet connection. If the connection is not strong enough, your assessment may need to be rescheduled.
E) Our office will be in touch to test your Videolink connection
What you need to do on the day of your video link appointment?
Be ready for the appointment 15 minutes before it is due to start. This will avoid any last-minute delays and ensure that your appointment runs as smoothly as possible. Have anything you think you may need during the appointment time within easy reach. You will need to organise childcare for the duration of the appointment if you have young children.
When you are ready, enter the Video Link examination address referred to in the booking confirmation form.
Please contact our office on 07 3356 0469if you have any difficulty preparing for this Video Link assessment.
07 3356 0469
Level 5, 87 Wickham Terrace Spring Hill, QLD, 4000
Monday to Friday
8.30am – 5pm
Wickham Terrace Car Park – 2 min walk First Parking | 67 Astor Terrace Car Park – 6 min walk
Bus Stops 135, 140, 157, 158, 159, 160 – 2 min walk Central Station – 5 min walk